The Alf family 2012
Some of our Autumn Adventures......
We went to visit our good friend "Nini" aka Ronni and her kids, Hunter and Kylee in late October. We miss them so much and were glad to spend a few days just being with them. We also had a fun filled evening at the Pumpkin patch doing some pretty crazy things, like....HOG Races, Huge slides, big pools of corn, CAMELS and other exotic animals, and..... |
We climbed on things |
We sat in a GIANT rocking chair! |
And....Picking out a pumpkin, of course! |
My dear friend and Sister, Ronni. Blessed to have her! |
Mums. Make me think of mom. I bought them for myself last year for my birthday- from her. :) I was suprised at how well they came back this fall! |
Other Happenings....
Watching big brother play in the yard. Let ME OUT!!!!!
PUMPKIN carving!
Titus was a huge FAN! |
HUGE fan! Notice Payton is nowhere to be seen. :)
Down, Set, HIKE!!!
Payton's favorite part of Trunk or Treat...The leaf pile! |
Our Football "Team" |
No fumble here! |
Mom won't let me eat this. You want it? |
Ok. I'll give it to brother. He's my favorite. |
Just a few glimpses of our ins and outs. We are so blessed with these two!