
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Our Little Spider and his pumpkin

I'll take a hug with all 8 arms!

Wrigley dressed up as a Dog. Payton's costume complete with Thomas slippers (great for warming up after our trick-or-treating adventure).

See all my legs?!?!?!

The "Baker" with his "Bun in the Oven" Don't worry, there's still time to get the dishes done before the timer goes off!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The view from our back pourch....Autumn is here!

Tucking Froggy in for "Night-night"

Saddle up your horses...or whatever you have handy.

Really COOL bubbles!

Can we pick it! YES we can!

It's hard to believe that three years ago, our most precious gift came to be with us. We had no idea the kind of JOY he would set in our hearts, and how big our love really is. I am so blessed to get to be Payton's Mommy and see him changing and growing into the kiddo (for now) God wants him to be. He has had personality since day ONE, but now it's coming through so clearly! I am still wondering if I will ever stop saying, "he's so sweet and precious" twenty-seven times a day. He just fills up my heart.

Payton has many interests these days and keeps himself quite BUSY! He LOVES choo-choo trains and playing them with Mommy and Daddy. He likes to play alone too. Often we hear his sound effects coming from his bedroom, as he directs the trains and chugs them along. He also loves to play with any kind of BALL! He is particularly into FOOTBALL these days and wants to learn all about the game. Mommy says he'll make an excellent kicker ;) He loves to kick the ball into whatever "goal" he establishes and shout "touchdown" with his hands in the air! Lately he has taken to singing. He likes to sing along, but will even sing alone, when he is listening to music in his bedroom. His favorite is "Bullfrogs and Butterflies."

We are so blessed with a child that has such a tender heart. He really desires to please his parents. Our prayers are that that will translate into a loving relationship with his Heavenly Father. He is a wonderful helper and loves discovering things he can do, "all my-ba" (all by myself). And yet, a nice long cuddle with Mommy and Daddy is never too far away, and for that we are thankful! We hold him close, and dear to our hearts. We know God has big plans for our little Payton, and we love watching them develop! Next stop.....BIG brother!

Some highlights from the Birthday Celebration: October 8, 2011

Choo CHOO! Playing on the train.

Feeding the baby goats at the Orchard. He was irritated that Mama kept trying to steal her babies food. He told her, "no, no Mama. Food for baby."

Farmer Payton


The first taste! (Red) DELICIOUS!

A beautiful day in the Orchard!

Payton was a good apple picker! He ate his fair share too!

BOB the Builder construction party!

Birthday boy!

Knockin' em out of the park! He's quite a slugger!