
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Titus...two months!



Check out my new pants!  
Daddy and Me

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Job

Yeah.  This is what I do.  I love my job.


more kisses

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dear Payton...

My sweet boy-
You are changing so quickly, before my eyes. You didn't surprise me a bit with your love for your new little brother. You are so tender with him, and you can't wait for him to play with you. I look forward to seeing your friendship develop. It has already begun in subtle ways. You love to help Mommy take care of you brother- changing diapers, bath often you come running just to say, "Mama- you baby crying." Or lately, "Mama, MY baby crying." You care for him in small ways and are a careful, and conscious big brother. I can tell you are falling in love with him too, just like the rest of us.
My love for you has only deepened with our new addition. I find our moments together priceless- playing choo-choo trains in your room with the dog, reading books on the couch, a picnic lunch in the tent in the basement, the always requested bed time Bible story. I treasure the moments I get with you- just YOU and Me. You are priceless and irreplaceable, Unique and wonderfully individual. I love your brother in a whole other way. It's strange in my head, but it works in my heart.
More on the individual front- you have grown up a bit, in becoming the BIG brother. You still love basketball, and have taken up watching with Daddy. My favorite is the little dance you do when our team scores. Your artistic abilities have come out of NOWHERE! The other day you drew a person with a face, and arms, legs and hair. And then you wrote your name (all the letters in random places on the page, but still). I was stunned. A regular occurrence. YOu never cease to impress me. Your best friends are your dog, Wrigley, who MIGHT say the same about you, and your animals: Froggie, Blue Dog, Mickey and sometimes someone else, depending on your mood.
My heart says AWWWWWW about a thousand times a day! I love you. I love you. I really love you.

Big brother helping Daddy with Titus' first bottle

Brotherly LOVE!

The Sunshine (insert Mommy singing: You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away).

"Ben- Ben" ...Payton's friend.

Things we're into....
DUH! Basketball!


Being Daddy

Having fun, and being Mommy ;)

My cars, apparently

Monday, March 5, 2012

A little fun from MONTH one

Can't believe how fast he is growing and changing. Couldn't you just smooch those chubby cheekers?

A Warm day outside in JANUARY!!


Payton LOVES to wear his monster jammies just like brother!

Down, Set.....HIKE!

Showing his muscles

Already wanting to play with brother.

Special Visitors...not the wise men from the east, but just as good

Lots of important people came to visit us and our new bundle....We got pictures of a few of them.
Grandma Alf was our first guest (but not really). She is a permanent part of our little family. Our life would have been a lot less functional those first 10 days without her. :) We love Grandma!
Nini, Kylee and Hunter came too- the day after I came home.
Uncle Jeff (he brought his family too)...we are buddies
Papa Randy made the long trip to see Titus and Payton all the way from Kansas! It was so special to have him here to play, and snuggle and just to be together.
Aunt Jeanne and Bridgette came from Michigan for a weekend. Bridgette is a VERY cool, tent building, choo-choo train playing, sweet-hearted cousin- and a good cuddler too!

We are blessed to have gotten to see so many family members since Titus was born. Uncle Milan and Aunt Dorene Reimer came the same day he came home. I loved having Mom's family here to see my new little one. We can't wait for Titus to meet more of our FANTASTIC family. :)

A little Titus

Finally, I have put the sweet baby down while he sleeps and have picked up the computer to post some pictures about the day he was born, now almost 3 months ago. He is all kinds of sweetness, a bundle of love and just the kind of joy we expected he would be. Our first few moments with him were nothing less than perfect and his entry into our world, beautiful beyond words I could write here, though I love to talk about it so ask if you have such curiosities. :)

I wanted to make sure I had a final Preggo picture, and realized right after we got to the hospital that we hadn't taken one in the last couple of weeks. I had Paul snap one quickly. This was taken at 6:58. Titus was BORN at 7:08. We had just arrived. WOOOO! What a ride!
I was huge. :)
He was small. Titus Keith: 6 pounds 15 ounces, 20 inches. Perfect.
We were in love with him immediately.
He slept with Daddy in the very first hour.
THEY were instantly friends. A perfect meeting.
And then, there were FOUR.