
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Peeking around the corner to his baby brother's bedroom door.
Beaming at his Mommy.
My stocky, chubby cheek-ed, baby-in-a-boy's body.
Dimples, twinkle- he twinkles from his eyes-he does.
A jitter-bug jump inside that just wants to get out, so it wiggles, it waggles and makes his little body hop, even when he's holding perfectly still.
An open handed, chubby wave from the hallway in his bathrobe.
"Mommy..." and a mouthed, almost whisper, "I love you to the moon, and back."
Sweet, Sweet, smile.
Catching kisses with a little face smack.
Ducking away.
His precious 4 year old stut.
A pride-filled return and jammied-out...all by himself- the zipper kind. 
More smiles, and twinkles- I swear it. 
How many, many, MANY times can my heart burst?
A Lot.
A Whole Lot.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

What sweet Mommy words you have. I love them.