
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dear Payton

Dear Payton Allen~

You are the most amazing blessing! I am so in love with you! These three precious years with you have been the gift of my lifetime to this point. I have loved learning to be your mommy. I know God has special intentions for you because He tells me everyday as I watch you change and grow. I am so proud of the big boy you are becoming. There are days that I am overwhelmed by the exact precision with which God made you for us. Your Daddy and I are thankful for you everyday.

Your world is about to change....OUR world is about to change. And....I know you are going to love it! You will be such a wonderful big brother! I just want you to know how much I have treasured these special times with just you. I love you more than I could have ever known I would, and I am certain that I feel will feel the same about this new baby on his way (literally- right now). I am beyond blessed to be your mommy and I am in awe that God has lent you to us, that we get to watch you become who he wants you to be, and that we get to snuggle you every morning before you start the day running! Thanks for being my first little boy and for loving me the way only YOU can. Smooches!

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